Bridget Perrot Trust

Bridget Perrot was a long time Burnaby Public Library employee and served as the Home Library Service Coordinator from 1979 to 1990. She died in 1991 following a lengthy battle with cancer.
Bridget was well known in the public library community as a strong advocate for people with visual and physical disabilities. The Home Library & Accessible Service that Burnaby residents enjoy today is a direct result of Bridget's passion for ensuring that the diverse reading needs of all residents were met.
The Bridget Perrot Trust
Named in honour of Bridget Perrot, the trust supports the purchase of audiobooks for the exclusive use of Home Library & Accessible Service patrons. It also supports the purchase of specialized library equipment for people with print disabilities.
The Bridget Perrot Trust was established by Bridget's family, friends, and grateful patrons in recognition of her contributions to library services for people with visual and physical disabilities.
The trust is held within the Burnaby Public Library Endowment Fund. Donations to the trust are invested on behalf of the Library by the City of Burnaby. While the principal remains untouched, the interest generated is used to provide service enhancements.
Home Library & Accessible Service
Burnaby Public Library's Home Library & Accessible Service provides reading material in accessible formats to patrons with print disabilities. The department also delivers library materials to Burnaby residents of any age who are homebound for three months or more due to ill health, frailty, or limited mobility. Seniors who cannot use the library as a result of lack of transportation may also be eligible for this service. The service is provided free of charge to all recipients.