Where to start in a look back at the unprecedented year that was 2020? The COVID-19 pandemic turned our lives upside down, and it also sharpened our focus on the things that really matter.

Throughout the uncertainty of how the year would unfold, we knew we had to reset how we worked as a library and reconnect with our community, the theme of our 2020 annual report. As the pandemic hit in March, we made the difficult decision to close our libraries. And then, we did what everyone did in 2020. We pivoted. We shifted resources from print books to e-books, we answered questions online and by phone, and we worked with community partners to address the needs of our most vulnerable citizens.

The impacts of the pandemic also foregrounded initiatives that became more important than ever. While we extended due dates throughout the duration of our closure, we permanently stopped charging for overdue items and eliminated existing late fines once we reopened in July. And as community members increasingly turned to online services, we launched our new website in December to continue helping longtime patrons while finding new ways to welcome those we had traditionally not reached.

2020 brought a series of unexpected challenges and accomplishments. Download our annual report [PDF] and learn more about how we navigated an unprecedented year, or pick up a copy at any of our locations.