Cameron Branch to Move to Temporary Location this Spring
Feb 14, 2024
The new temporary library will be in the City of Lougheed Shopping Centre at 9855 Austin Avenue and open its doors on Monday, April 29. The current library at 9523 Cameron Street will permanently close on Friday, March 29 to allow time to move materials and set up.
You can continue to borrow and return library materials, use computers, scanning and printing services, and get information help at Cameron until we close for moving. There will be no library services available at Cameron from March 29 to April 28.
Holds and returns at Cameron will be affected before and during the closure.
Placing requests and picking up holds at Cameron
The last day to select Cameron as a holds pickup location is March 15.
If an item you requested is not ready for pickup at Cameron by March 19, your request will be paused until April 28. We will contact you when your hold is ready at Temporary Cameron.
We can also change your holds pickup location. Call us at 604-436-5400 for help with managing your requests.
Returning items
We can’t accept returns at the current or Temporary Cameron from March 29 to April 28. During that time:
You can return items 24/7 at other BPL locations, or
Return items when Temporary Cameron opens. There are no late fees for overdue BPL items.
The temporary Cameron branch will remain at City of Lougheed Shopping Centre during construction of the new Cameron Community Centre and Library. Visit the City of Burnaby for more information about this project.

Updated: February 29