
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for public communications.

Policy Statement and Details

All media requests are directed to the Chief Librarian. For operational matters, the Chief Librarian is the designated spokesperson for the library. The Chief Librarian may delegate this authority to other library staff as appropriate. For governance and policy matters, the Board Chair is the designated spokesperson. The Chair may delegate authority to individual trustees as appropriate.

Any public release other than promotion of individual library programs must be approved by the Chief Librarian. Any public release which relates to library policy must be approved by the Chair of the Library Board in consultation with the Chief Librarian.

Library Board trustees and members of the staff are encouraged to give talks and to participate in community activities. When a staff member is requested to represent Burnaby Public Library in an official capacity, such requests must be referred to the Chief Librarian for approval before acceptance by the staff member.

Last reviewed 2019-12-12