
The purpose of this policy is to clarify the Burnaby Public Library Board’s authority for developing and reviewing policies, and to differentiate between policies and procedures.

Policy Statement and Details

The Burnaby Public Library Board develops policies to clearly define the scope and limits within which the Burnaby Public Library operates. Policies are guiding principles that are used to set direction and provide effective parameters for decisions and actions made by trustees and staff.

Policies are developed and approved by the Board. Policies are reviewed at least once every five years. Policies may be reviewed and revised more frequently due to changes in legislation, operational needs or new developments.

Procedures are developed to implement policy directions of the Board. Procedures provide practical, logical and detailed processes to ensure that board policies are communicated to all staff and consistently followed. Procedures are developed by library staff and do not require approval of the Library Board.

Last reviewed: 2019-12-12