
The purpose of this policy is to regulate use of library space.

Policy Statement and Details

The BC Library Act authorizes the Library Board to make rules for regulating the use of its facilities and services by the public. The Library Act also authorizes the Library Board to suspend library privileges for breaches of library rules and to exclude from the library anyone who behaves in a disruptive manner, damages library property or otherwise contravenes the Code of Conduct.

Restricting Access to Library Services

Staff only restrict access to library services or premises when an individual’s behaviour is demonstrably disruptive. Where feasible, individuals are to be given the opportunity to change inappropriate behaviour prior to sanctions being imposed.

Information on individuals banned for more than one month will be provided to the Library Board. A ban of more than three months must be approved by the Library Board. Suspended individuals may appeal their ban to the Library Board, and will be informed of the right to appeal in writing.

Use of Library Space by Outside Agencies

Library space is primarily intended for library purposes, including programs conducted, initiated or co-sponsored by the library that align with our values and goals. The library may permit use of space by City of Burnaby departments, Burnaby based not-for-profit community groups and other not-for-profit community groups for meetings and programs of an informational, educational or cultural nature.

Permission to use library space or facilities does not imply library endorsement of the group making the booking, their beliefs or their activities.

Users may not charge an admission fee, fundraise or solicit donations, sell items, or market services without prior approval of the Library Board.

Books by authors speaking at library events may be sold.

The Library expects that groups using library space comply with federal, provincial and municipal legislation, regulations and bylaws.

Users of library spaces, including community rooms, must follow the Library’s Code of Conduct, which states that users must be respectful, safe and responsible, and that racism, transphobia, homophobia, and any other form of discrimination, harassment and verbal abuse will not be tolerated.

If, in the opinion of the Chief Librarian or designate, the use of library space by any group presents, or potentially presents, a risk of significant disruption to library users, library staff or library property, then the Chief Librarian or designate shall have the discretion to refuse or cancel such a booking.

Notice Boards and Distribution of Free Materials

Public notice boards and the distribution of free materials may be provided as a community service.

Material that is primarily commercial will not be displayed or distributed unless it fulfills a cultural, educational or recreational role.

Material promoting an individual political party or politician will not be displayed or distributed.

Religious material will not be displayed or distributed unless it promotes a specific, dated event.

Posters, flyers or handbills promoting a fundraising event for not-for-profit organizations may be posted and/or distributed as space permits.

Displaying or distributing materials does not constitute library endorsement of content.

Canvassing and Research

The library will not permit outside agencies or individuals to personally solicit donations, survey or study library users, or petition library users on library premises except in special circumstances upon the approval of the Board.

Election Campaigning

Election campaigning inside library space is prohibited. All Candidates Meetings may be held in library spaces and limited distribution of material promoting an individual political party or politician may be permitted within a meeting room in which an All Candidates Meeting is held.

Election campaigning outside libraries is governed by the City of Burnaby’s Election Campaigning Policy.

Filming, photography and audio on library premises

Filming, photographing and audio recording of library staff and users on library property is not permitted without prior written approval of the library. Filming, photography and audio recording by an individual is allowed in library spaces provided it does not include unrelated staff or patrons, that it respects the privacy of library staff and users, and does not disrupt library services.

Last reviewed 2024-12-12