Burnaby Public Library is pleased to present our Annual Report, highlighting a year of significant change, including the completion of long-term projects to improve library services and facilities, and the introduction of initiatives that have made positive impacts on our community.

From redesigning and increasing community space through the Bob Prittie Metrotown renovations to launching the Digital Studio, Burnaby’s first free and openly accessible creative technology space, BPL is committed to meeting the growing demand for free public spaces and access to specialized technology. BPL also undertook major changes in how we support and serve our diverse communities and staff and our work to uphold inclusive, anti-racist spaces for anyone using and working in the library.

2023 was also the year for looking ahead. The BPL Board worked with staff, patrons, community partners and Burnaby residents to develop a new 2024-2027 Strategic Plan that includes bold commitments to serve communities in their preferred language, increase information literacy and civic engagement, and celebrate Burnaby’s diverse communities in BPL spaces.

Download our annual report [PDF] and learn more about how we navigated 2023 or pick up a copy at any of our locations.