Staff helping a patron at the service desk
Every day, people contact the library for help with finding information. Each question is unique, and our information experts can find answers. Here are a few examples of what we can help with:

If you haven't noticed, we have have a lot of stuff! We have over 400,000 physical and digital items in the library (and counting). Use our catalogue to search for items and see where they are located. If you need help searching, a librarian can help.

Our librarians are expert catalogue searchers and they are knowledgeable about what gets added to our library collections. They can also show you how to use our catalogue, and give you tips so that you can be a search expert, too!

We can help you locate and make sense of information beyond the library.

Examples of what we frequently help with:

  • Using and making sense of websites and online information,
  • Finding government information and forms,
  • Searching for employment and career information,
  • Verifying information and their sources for credibility.

We also know that not everyone has access to the internet. You're welcome to visit any of our locations for free internet access, or contact us and we can look up information online for you.

In addition to City of Burnaby, we work and partner with many organizations across Burnaby and Metro Vancouver. Our staff are in regular contact with service providers in order to connect Burnaby residents to information and resources at the community level.

We can find you information about food and meals, housing and shelter, and services specific to teens and families. Contact us to get help with finding resources, or check our guides for information about resources available to you and your family.

Our librarians can help you with complex or lengthy information questions for school, work or personal research projects.

We can help you navigate and understand how to use online resources to find information relating to your topic. We also purchase access to specialized print and online resources, many of which are unavailable through the open web. This includes items in our reference collections.

Book a phone appointment with us and we'll work with you on almost any topic.