This page is for external libraries borrowing from Burnaby Public Library. For BPL members looking to place an interlibrary loan, visit Borrowing from Other Libraries.

To Place a Request

  • BC Public and Academic Libraries: submit requests using Illume.
  • Other libraries: submit requests by email. Include the title in the subject line. In the body of the request provide the title, author, edition, maximum dollar amount you are willing to pay and your LAC or OCLC symbol.

Contact Information

Library NameBurnaby Public Library
Illume (SHAREit) Library CodeBB
Canadian Library Symbol (LAC) CodeBB
AddressBurnaby Public Library
6100 Willingdon Ave
Burnaby, BC
V5H 4N5

General Information

Library Catalogue URLhttps://burnaby.bibliocommons
ILL SoftwareIllume SHAREit
Consortia membershipsInterLINK

Loan Information

Returnable Loans4 weeks
Media LoansOnly for print-disabled patrons
Not for LoanBooks published or copyrighted in the current or previous year
Special Collections or archival materials
Rare books
Reference Books
Periodicals & Newspapers
Audio-visual materials (DVDs, CDs, CD-ROMs)
Shipping/DeliveryInterLINK Courier, Canada Post (Library Book Rate)
Loan FeesFree for partner libraries (Illume, UBC, SFU, UVIC, UNBC),
Replacement chargesReplacement cost of lost or damaged item
Late feesNone
Invoice paymentsPay by cheque made out to Burnaby Public Library