Place a hold to reserve an item for pickup at your preferred location. Add yourself to a waitlist for an item currently checked out or on order, or transfer items from one location for pickup at another. We'll notify you by email or phone when your hold is ready for pickup.

How many holds can I have?

You can have up to 50 physical items on hold at a time.

You can also place holds on up to 20 additional e-books or downloadable audiobooks using Libby / Overdrive.

How do I place an item on hold?

  1. Search for items in our library catalogue
  2. When you've found the item you want, select Place a hold
  3. Enter your library card number and PIN, and choose your pickup location
  4. If you've opted for email notices, we will email you when your item is ready for pickup. Otherwise we will notify you by phone.

You can also place requests by visiting or calling any of our locations.

You can also place holds and manage your account using our BPL app. Download it for free for Apple or Android devices.

How do I pick up my items on hold?

Come to your BPL location to pick up your items. We will hold items for 7 days.

Find your item on the holds shelf using your hold ID. Your hold ID is the last four numbers of your library card, followed by the first three letters of your name. Staff are available if you need help finding your item.

Once you've found your item, borrow it by using one of the self checkout stations, or staff can help you at the service desk.

Can I pause my hold on an item?

If you're going away, or if you're not ready to pick up your items, pause them and keep your place in line.

  1. Log into your account and go to "Holds"
  2. Choose the hold you would like you pause
  3. Select "Pause hold" and choose the date you would like the paused items to resume
  4. To resume, select "Resume hold"

Check your account online to pause holds, cancel holds, or to see your place in line.